Criteria of search: Musical person ♦ Τραγουδιστής
Found 158 results
Found 158 results , total pages 6.
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List of search results:
Νame in other language: Τσιτσάνης, Βασίλης (1915-1984) Dates: 18/01/1915 - 18/01/1984 Birth place: Trikala
Νame in other language: Παγιουμτζής, Στράτος (1904-1971) Dates: 01/01/1904 - 16/11/1971
Νame in other language: Νίνου, Μαρίκα (1922-1957) Dates: 1922 - 23/02/1957
Νame in other language: Καζαντζίδης, Στέλιος (1931-2001) Dates: 29/08/1931 - 14/09/2001
Νame in other language: Μπέλλου, Σωτηρία (1921-1997) Dates: 22/08/1921 - 27/08/1997
Νame in other language: Γεωργακοπούλου, Ιωάννα (1920-2007) Dates: 1920 [Πιθανώς] - 07/08/2007
Νame in other language: Τσαουσάκης, Πρόδρομος (1919-1979) Dates: 15/09/1919 - 23/10/1979
Νame in other language: Περπινιάδης, Στελλάκης (1899-1977) Dates: 14/5/1899 - 4/9/1977

Gray, Cathy

Νame in other language: Γκρέυ, Καίτη (1924-2025) Dates: 14/05/1924 - 19/01/2025
Νame in other language: Περδικόπουλος, Δημήτρης (1914-1952) Dates: 1914 - 16/06/1952
Νame in other language: Πάνου, Πόλυ (1940-2013) Dates: 28/10/1940 - 27/09/2013
Νame in other language: Σταυροπούλου, Νταίζη (1915?-1994) Dates: 1915 [Πιθανώς] - 1994
Νame in other language: Μοσχολιού, Βίκη (1943-2005) Dates: 23/05/1943 - 16/08/2005
Νame in other language: Μπιθικώτσης, Γρηγόρης (1922-2005) Dates: 11/12/1922 - 07/04/2005
Νame in other language: Λαμπράκη, Χαρούλα (1947-) Dates: 05/1947 -
Νame in other language: Βαμβακάρης, Μάρκος (1905-1972) Dates: 10/05/1905 - 08/02/1972
Νame in other language: Αγγελόπουλος, Μανώλης (1939-1989) Dates: 08/04/1939 - 02/04/1989
Νame in other language: Γεράνη, Ελένη
Νame in other language: Αρβανιτάκη, Ελευθερία (1957-) Dates: 17/10/1957 -
Νame in other language: Μαντζόπουλος, Κώστας (1951-2023) Dates: 02/1951 - 02/02/2023
Νame in other language: Δερλίκου, Μίνα
Νame in other language: Μυστακίδης, Δημήτρης (1970-) Dates: 14/03/1970 -
Νame in other language: Χασκήλ, Στέλλα (1918-1954) Dates: 1918 - 27/02/1954
Νame in other language: Πολυμέρης, Φώτης (1920-2013) Dates: 20/02/1920 - 28/05/2013
Νame in other language: Ξηντάρης, Γιώργος (1952-) Dates: 28/10/1952 -


Νame in other language: Καμπουρέλος (1927-2007) Dates: 1927 - 04/2007 Birth place: Thessaloniki
Νame in other language: Αναγνωστάκης, Πέτρος (1933-1996) Dates: 1933 - 01/07/1996
Νame in other language: Χρυσάφη, Άννα (1921-2013) Dates: 06/12/1921 - 02/09/2013 Birth place: Athens
Νame in other language: Χρυσίνης, Πάνος