Πικρός είναι ο πόνος μου / Κάκη, Ελβίρα [1936]
- Expression
1936 [περίπου Οκτώβριος]
Κάκη, Ελβίρα
Tsitsanis, Vassilis
[Three-string bouzouki] |
Peristeris, Spyros
Hicaz mixed (diatonic and hicaz-nikriz units in the dominant's area)
- Intro
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ I
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ vii
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ I
- Intervalic structure - melodic characteristics
- ↳ I
- ↳ Hicaz
- ↳ Hicazkar
- ↳ V↓
- Intervalic structure - melodic characteristics
- ↳ V
- ↳ Hicaz
- ↳ IX↑
- Theme A
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ I
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ iv
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ I
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ vii
- Chord progression cycle
- ↳ I
- Intervalic structure - melodic characteristics
- ↳ IV
- ↳ Minor
- ↳ VII↓
- Intervalic structure - melodic characteristics
- ↳ I
- ↳ Hicaz
- ↳ Hicaz
- 9/8
- Eighth note ~ 103
- Zeibekikos
Rhythmic groups
Rhythmic pattern
- University of Ioannina
Πικρός είναι ο πόνος μου / Κάκη, Ελβίρα [1936] - Identifier: 1631
Internal display of the 1631 entity interconnections (Node labels correspond to identifiers)